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Board Meeting Information

Board and Committee meetings are held in the District boardroom in the Administration offices at the Monterey Regional Airport on the second floor of the Airport Terminal Building. The public is invited to attend all open meetings. 


The Monterey Peninsula Airport District holds regular meetings at the Airport Board Room, with in-person attendance. Members of the public may attend the Board Meeting in person and request to speak to the Board when the Chair calls for public comment.  In general, in person or emailed comments are preferred.  Remote comments are allowed for Board meetings which take place in the Board Room, as outlined below.

The Monterey Peninsula Airport District will continue to broadcast the Board Meetings via Zoom video conference for viewing by the public.  To view the Board meeting via Zoom video conference, please visit and enter the following Meeting ID: 831 7098 4092.  If you do not have access to the internet, you may listen telephonically by calling (253) 215-8782 and entering the same Meeting ID.

Pursuant to Resolution 1862, members of the public may provide comments remotely for Board Meetings which are held in the Board Room.  In the event that remote participation technology is unexpectedly not available, such as during an internet service outage, electrical outage, or other technological issue that prevents remote participation by the public, the meeting will not be continued or cancelled.  Remote participation is provided as a courtesy and members of the public who rely upon remote participation to provide public comment do so at their own risk.  When the Chair calls for public comment, attendees can queue to speak with the “Raise Hand” feature. On the Zoom application, click the “Raise Hand” button. On the phone, press *9. The Secretary to the Board will call speaker names and unmute speaker microphones. You will have up to 3 minutes to provide your oral comments, pursuant to Board policy. 

Members of the public are encouraged to provide written public comment by sending an email to and include the following subject line: “Public Comment Item # (insert the agenda item number relevant to your comment).” Written comments should be received by 7:00 AM on the day of the meeting. All submitted comments will be provided to the Board for consideration and will be compiled as part of the record.

Agendas for all regular Board meetings are posted at least seventy-two hours prior to the meeting on two bulletin boards, one outside of the Administration office and one outside the terminal building (pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2 (a)(1) and Government Code Section 54956 (a)).

Special Board meetings may also be scheduled by the Board as necessary. Agendas for Special Board meetings are posted at least twenty-four hours prior to the meetings.

Minutes of the Board meetings are taken and presented to the Board for approval. Only after minutes are approved by the Board of Directors are the minutes of a meeting considered final.

Board Meeting Schedule:
Third Wednesday of each month
Meetings shall commence at 8:00 AM

The Board meeting schedule may need to be altered from time to time. 

Board Meeting Location:
Board Room
Second Floor of the Airport Terminal Building
200 Fred Kane Drive, Suite 200
Monterey, CA 93940