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Legal Notices

The Legal Notices, Request for Proposals (RFP), and/or Request for Qualifications (RFQ) on this page have been posted to notify the public of upcoming hearings and to solicit proposals for work and/or services to the Monterey Peninsula Airport District. Browse through the Current Solicitations & Notices below, where you will find information about upcoming hearings and a scope of work, important dates, submittal instructions, and contact information for each RFP/RFQ/RFI.

Procurement Policies

The District has adopted the use of the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act. Under the Uniform Act, public projects, depending on the cost threshold amount,  may be constructed by negotiated contract or result from a purchase order, contracted through informal bidding procedures or awarded only after formal bidding procedures.

For projects funded in whole or in part with federal grants, additional Federal Aviation Administration Procurement bidding requirements and restrictions apply.


2024 Solicitations & Notices

Last updated on October 22, 2024. 

REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS/PROPOSALS for CMaC for the Replacement Terminal at Monterey Regional Airport (OPEN) 

The Monterey Peninsula Airport District (“District”) invites interested Construction Manager-as-Constructor (“CMaC”) firms to submit Qualifications/Proposal for pre-construction services and complete construction services for the Replacement Terminal Facility project (“Project”) at the Monterey Regional Airport (“Airport” or “MRY”). The District seeks a CMaC who will be responsible for the delivery of the Project. The Airport intends to issue one contract to the selected CMaC for the Project scope of work.

All information regarding this Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) may be viewed or downloaded from the ARC Monterey at

RFQ CMaC Terminal_MRY.10222024.pdf
PUBLIC NOTICE MPAD Is providing notice of opportunity for public comment regarding the imposition and expenditure of a $4.50 Passenger Facility Charge (OPEN) 

The District intends to submit the PFC #26 application at $4.50 per enplaned passenger and to request the $4.50 rate for each project in the application. The proposed effective date for the new application is February 1, 2025, which is the legal expiration date for PFC #25. The estimated charge expiration date of this application and the District’s PFC program will be September 1, 2044 if the new application is approved.

Comments must be received by Thursday October 30, no later than 4:00 p.m. PDT.

All written comments can be addressed to:
Monterey Peninsula Airport
PFC Application – C. Morello
200 Fred Kane Drive, Suite 200
Monterey, CA 93940

Public Notice of Invitation to Submit Comments  regarding the imposition and expenditure of Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) 09302024



PUBLIC NOTICE: 2025-2027 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program (CLOSED) 

DATE: October 2, 2024 at 10:00 AM

Pursuant to the notice requirements of 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), the Monterey Peninsula Airport District (the District) hereby publishes notice of its program goals for its federally mandated Disadvantage Business Enterprise Program and Airport Concession Disadvantage Business Enterprise Program.

Public NoticeDisadvantaged Business Enterprise Plan
PUBLIC NOTICE: Notice of Public Hearing on a Proposed Issuance by the Monterey Peninsula Airport District of Airport Revenue Obligation Bonds (CLOSED) 

                    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Airport District (the "District") will meet on July 17, 2024, at or after 8:00 a.m., in the Board Room on the second floor of the Airport Terminal Building located at 200 Fred Kane Drive, Suite 200, Monterey, CA (the "Airport") and hold a public hearing, as required by Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), with respect to the proposed issuance by the District of taxable and/or tax-exempt airport revenue bonds (intended to be issued as exempt facility airport bonds pursuant to Section 142(a) of the Code), lease revenue bonds, a lease-purchase agreement, certificates of participation, TIFIA loan, or other obligations, pursuant to a plan of financing and in one or more series from time to time (collectively, the "Obligations") for the purposes of (i) financing the acquisition, construction, expansion, remodeling, renovation, improvement, furnishing and/or equipping of an approximately 65,000 square foot replacement passenger airport terminal complex at the District's Monterey Regional Airport located at 200 Fred Kane Drive in Monterey, California, including related roads, parking and circulation elements (collectively, the "Project"); (ii) funding necessary reserves, if any; (iii) funding capitalized interest, if any; and (iv) paying costs of issuance of the Obligations.  

                    In order to finance the costs listed above, the District proposes to issue and sell the Obligations in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $50,000,000.  The Obligations will be special, limited obligations of the District payable from airport revenues, passenger facilities charges, customer facilities charges, and other sources pledged by the District.  The Obligations will not be a general obligations of the District and will not be secured by or payable from any taxing power of the District.

                    All persons interested may appear and be heard at said time and place or may file a written expression of their views with the Executive Director of the District prior to the date of hearing set forth above.  Any further information regarding this notice,  the Obligations and the Project may be obtained from the Executive Director at District's offices at the Airport.  Any comments and materials submitted by 12:00 noon on July 16, 2024 will be provided to the District for their consideration.  

RFP: Investment Banking and Underwriting Services (CLOSED) 

OPEN:  July 8, 2024
CLOSE:  July 26, 2024 , 4:00 PM PDT

The Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Airport District (the "District") will hold a Public Hearing on July 17, 2024 regarding the issuance by the District of its airport revenue bonds, lease revenue bonds, a lease-purchase agreement, certificates of participation, TIFIA Loan or other obligations in one or more series pursuant to a plan of finance (the "Obligations") for the purposes of:  (i) financing the acquisition, construction, expansion, remodeling, renovation, improvement, furnishing and/or equipping of an approximately 65,000 square foot replacement passenger airport terminal complex at the District's Monterey Regional Airport in Monterey, CA, including related roads, parking and circulation elements (collectively, the "Project"); (ii) funding necessary reserves, if any; (iii) funding capitalized interest, if any, and (iv) paying costs of issuance of the Obligations.  The District anticipates issuing and selling Obligations in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $50,000,000.

The District is therefore seeking responses from qualified investment banking and underwriting firms to act as Bookrunner/Senior Manager, in connection with the planned 2025 Airport Revenus Bonds.

Request for Proposal


RFP: Runway 10R-28L Surface Treatment (CLOSED) 

MRY is seeking qualified contracts to submit a RFP bid response for this  project which  includes the following major elements:

 Mill and fill two keel sections of the existing asphalt paved surface; Groove the new asphalt pavement surface.;  Perform crack fill and seal;  Perform accumulated rubber removal;  Apply rapid cure asphalt seal coat;    Apply new pavement markings.

Notice to Contractors: Runway 10R-28L Surface Treatment
RFQ: Acquisition of Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Vehicle (CLOSED) 

Open: April 19, 2024
Close: May 20, 2024 at 1:00 PM PDT

The Monterey Regional Airport is seeking to replace its current ARFF vehicle as part of its capital improvement program. The ARFF vehicle is intended to carry rescue and fire fighting equipment for the purpose of rescuing aircraft passengers. preventing aircraft fire loss. and combating fires in aircraft. The bidder shall also comply with all regulatory requirements for federally assisted contracts, including the California Motor Vehicle Code, California and Monterey County Air Quality Standards. Contract Work Hours. Safety Standard Act. Copeland Regulations. Department of Transportation Regulations and Clean Air and Water Pollution Control Requirements.

Request for Bid Proposals

ARFF Addendum.05012024
RFQ/P: Construction Manager-At-Risk for New Terminal Facility – Landside Improvements (CLOSED) 

Open: April 12, 2024
Close: May 9, 2024 at 2:00 PM PST

Notice is hereby given that the Monterey Peninsula Airport District is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (“SOQ”) from individuals, partnerships, joint ventures, corporations, or other recognized legal entities (“Firm(s)” or “Respondent(s)”) qualified to be a Construction Manager at-Risk (“CMAR(s)”) to perform pre- construction and construction services in connection with the New Terminal Facility – Landside Improvements project (“Project”) at the Monterey Regional Airport.

Request for Qualifications for CMAR for New Terminal Facilities - Landside
RFQ: Financial Statement Auditor Professional Services (CLOSED) 

Open:  February 1, 2024
Close:  February 29, 2024 at 5:00 PM PST

Monterey Peninsula Airport District (“District”) is requesting qualifications from qualified firms of Certified Public Accountants ("Firm") to audit its financial statements for fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, with the District's option of auditing its financial statements for each of the five (5) subsequent fiscal years. Interested parties should submit a complete set of qualifications addressing the Firm's background, certifications, potential staffing for this project, references, peer review report, list of jobs completed within the past five (5) years, familiarity with the FAA Airport Improvement Program, and any other pertinent information.

Request for Qualifications
RFQ/P: Legal Counsel Professional Services (CLOSED) 

Open:  January 29, 2024
Close:  February 26, 2024 at 3:00 PM PST

Monterey Peninsula Airport District (the "District") is soliciting Qualifications & Proposals from qualified attorneys to provide legal counsel services.  The successful firm/jurisdiction (the "Firm") must provide a designated individual to serve as District Counsel and should have the capability to provide expertise in the areas of general public sector law, land use, H.R./personnel, Brown Act, conflict of interest, real property (including leasing), construction law (public works) and contracts and litigation.  Aviation and Federal Contract experience is desired.   The designated individual must have graduated from an ABA accredited law school, have a minimum of eight years legal experience, have a minimum of five years of experience representing a public agency, have a proven track record in litigation, and be a member of the California Bar Association, in good standing.

Request for Qualifications & Proposal
RFQ: Airport Feasibility Consultant (CLOSED) 

Open: January 24, 2024
Close: February 16, 2024 @ 5:00 PM

The District is seeking submittals in response to this RFQ from qualified firms with expertise in Airports to serve as the District’s Airport Consultant and to produce an independent report to be used in conjunction with the Airport’s proposed Bond Financing and/or involving alternative financing instruments, including but not limited to the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA). Describe any innovative strategies or solutions proposed or implemented by the Qualifier’s firm in the context of such alternative financing instruments.

Request for Qualifications


RFQ: Bond/Tax and/or Disclosure Counsel Services (CLOSED) 

Open: January 24, 2024
Close: February 16, 2024 @ 5:00 PM

The District is seeking submittals in response to this RFQ from qualified law firms recognized in the practice of airport specific debt issuances to serve as the District’s (1) Bond/Tax Counsel, and/or (2) Disclosure Counsel. Qualifiers may submit for either or both Bond/Tax Counsel and/or Disclosure Counsel.

Request for Qualifications
Qualified Contractors Registration (CLOSED) 

Open: December 1, 2023
Close: January 31, 2024

Notice is hereby given that the Monterey Peninsula Airport District is inviting licensed contractors to submit the name of their firm to the District for inclusion on its 2024 List of Qualified Contractors per section 22034 of the Public Contract Code.

Qualified Contractors Registration Form


2023 Solicitations & Notices

RFP: Construction of Well Water Improvements (CLOSED) 

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-  Posted September 13, 2023

1. Contract Documents
The Contract Documents, to which the Bid responds, including plans and specifications, bonds and contract, may be obtained from: ARC Document Solutions, 2 Harris Ct., Suite 5, Monterey, California, (831) 646- 1170. Contact ARC for a link to digital bid documents; a non-refundable fee of $25.00 made payable to the ARC will be required for purchase of digital bid documents. Hard copies are available upon request for an additional fee.
Plans and Specifications may also be viewed at the local Builders Exchange of the Central Coast, the Builders Exchange of Santa Clara; the Builders Exchange of San Luis Obispo; the Monterey Bay Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC); or the Monterey Regional Airport, Office of Planning and Development, 200 Fred Kane Drive, Suite 200, Monterey, 93940-5353.

2. Description of Work
In general, the project includes the following elements: Furnish and install water main improvements for well water system—with existing water well located at 2801 Monterey-Salinas Hwy—supplying well water to the Consolidated Rental Car Quick-Turn-Around (QTA) car wash facility at 70 Sky Park Drive, and the domestic water to the proposed new Terminal for MRY. Associated improvements include: extending and connecting three-phase power to the existing well pump from the current PG&E feed; furnish and install one (1) hydro-pneumatic tank to maintain on-demand pressurized water; furnish and install Long Range Wireless Switch System (LRWSS) for wireless remote control and monitoring of well/ tank and supply; modification to existing QTA car wash water supply to accommodate separate well water system to the car wash; and furnish and install water softener system.

3. Filling of Bids

Sealed proposals must be received at the Planning and Development Department office of the Monterey Peninsula Airport District, 200 Fred Kane Drive, Suite 200, Monterey, California, by 1:00 P.M., Friday, September 29, 2023, at which time and located in the 2nd Floor Terminal, Board Room they will be publicly opened and read for construction of Well Water Improvements 2801 Monterey-Salinas Hwy, at the Monterey Regional Airport, Monterey, California, in accordance with the plans, specifications and special provisions therefore, prepared by Kimley-Horn and Associates Inc., dated September 2023.

  • Each bid must be accompanied by Cash, Cashier's Check, Certified Check, or Bidder's Bond in an amount equal to not less than 10% (percent) of the total amount of the bid price.
  • The time limit for completion of the work is One Hundred Twenty (120) Calendar Days.
  • Bids are required for furnishing all materials, labor, transportation, and services necessary for the construction of a complete and usable facility. Bids are required for the entire items of work on the schedule.

4. Prevailing Wages
In accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code Sections 1770, 1773, 1773.1, 1773.6 and 1773.7 as amended, the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) has determined the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in accordance with the standards set forth in Section 1773 for the locality in which the Work is to be performed. A copy of said wage rates is on file at the office of the District. It shall be mandatory upon the Contractor to whom the Work is awarded and upon any subcontractor under the Contractor to pay not less than said specified rates to all workers employed by them in the execution of the Work, and shall post a copy of said wage rates at the project site.

Notice To Contractors - Well Water Improvements
Public Meeting Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (CLOSED) 

This notice is to inform the public and interested agencies that, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Monterey Peninsula Airport District (MPAD) is circulating a Final Initial Study/ Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for public review and comment.

Project Location: Monterey Regional Airport, 200 Fred Kane Drive, Monterey, CA 93940

Project Description: The proposed project involves the installation of two water distribution system lines and associated infrastructure connected to existing water wells located on airport property.

Document Availability: The Final Initial Study/MND  is available for review and a hyperlink is provided below or a hard copy can be viewed at the Monterey Regional Airport, 200 Fred Ken Drive, Suite 200 beginning on Thursday August 31, 2023. 

Final Mitigated Negative Declaration  and Initial Study on MRY Well Waterline Improvements

Public Hearing: A public hearing will be held at the Monterey Peninsula Airport District Board Room on September 20, 2023, beginning at 9:00 a.m. on the second floor of the Airport Terminal Building, 200 Fred Kane Drive, Suite 200, Monterey, CA 93940.

An initial 30-day public review period for the Draft Initial Study/MND was held from July 19, 2023, to August 18, 2023. Additional comments on the Final Initial Study/MND will be accepted until September 19, 2023.

Comments: Any person who wishes to comment on the MPAD’s intent to adopt the MND must submit comments no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 19, 2023. Comments may be sent by email to

Project Impacts: Based on the findings of the Initial Study, it has been determined that the project will not have a significant effect upon the environment because avoidance, minimization, or mitigation measures will be attached to the project as conditions of approval. These measures will reduce impacts to special-status plant species and undiscovered cultural resources, if any, to a less than significant level.

Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (CLOSED) 

This notice is to inform the public and interested agencies that in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Monterey Peninsula Airport District (MPAD) is circulating an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for public review and comment.

Project Location: Monterey Regional Airport, 2801 and 2999 Monterey Salinas Highway, Monterey, CA 93940

Project Description: The proposed project involves the installation of two water distribution system lines and associated infrastructure connected to existing water wells located on airport property.

Document Availability: The Initial Study/MND will be available for review at the following locations beginning on Wednesday July 19, 2023:

·         Monterey Regional Airport, 200 Fred Kane Drive, Monterey, Suite 200, CA 93940

A 30-day public review period for the Initial Study/MND is from July 19, 2023, to August 18, 2023.

 Comments: Any person who wishes to comment on the MPAD’s intent to adopt the MND must submit comments no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 18, 2023. Comments may be sent by e-mail to

Project Impacts: Based on the findings of the Initial Study, it has been determined that the project will not have a significant effect upon the environment because avoidance, minimization, or mitigation measures will be attached to the project as conditions of approval. These measures will reduce impacts to special-status plant species and undiscovered cultural resources, if any, to a less than significant level.

Public Hearing: The date, time, and place of future public hearings will be appropriately notified per MPAD and CEQA requirements.

Please use the link below to download the full document set. 

MRY  Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study on Well Waterline Improvements
RFP: Sky Park Drive and 2801 Monterey-Salinas Highway Pavement Improvement (CLOSED) 

Open: April 13, 2023

Addendum #2 Posted June 8, 2023
Close  Date: Friday, June 30, 2023 at 11:00 am PDT

The Monterey Regional Airport invites sealed bids for the Sky Park Drive and 2801 Monterey-Salinas Highway Improvements project. The work consists of pavement patching,  applying a asphalt concrete overlay, pavement reconstruction and widening, installing AC speed bumps, replacing AC dike, lowering existing catch basins, raising/adjusting manhole and water valve box to new finished grade, applying traffic striping and markings, and all other work shown on the plans.

MPAD Pavement Improvement  Addendum #2 SpecificationsPavement Improvements Addendum #2 Plan  Sheets
RFP: Construction of the Commercial Apron (CLOSED) 

Open: February 7, 2023
Close: March 30, 2023 @ 3:00 PM

Addendum #3 published March 27, 2023 - Bid Submittal Deadline changed to 1:00 P.M. (PDT), on Tuesday, April 4th, 2023.

The Contract Documents, to which the Bid responds, including plans and specifications, bonds and contract, may be obtained from: ARC Document Solutions, 2 Harris Ct., Suite 5, Monterey, California, (831) 646- 1170. Contact ARC for a link to digital bid documents; a non-refundable fee of $25.00 made payable to the ARC will be required for purchase of digital bid documents. Hard copies are available upon request for an additional fee. Plans and Specifications may also be viewed at the local Builders Exchange of the Central Coast, the Builders Exchange of Santa Clara; the Builders Exchange of San Luis Obispo; the Monterey Bay Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC); or the Monterey Regional Airport, Office of Planning and Development, 200 Fred Kane Drive, Suite 200, Monterey, 93940-5353.

Notice to Contractors
RFQ: Engineering and/or Environmental Consulting Services (CLOSED) 

Open: February 13, 2023
Closed: March 16, 2023 @ 3:00 PM

The Monterey Peninsula Airport District (District) is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from qualified firms interested in providing on-call professional Engineering Consulting Services and/or Environmental Consulting Services at the Monterey Regional Airport (Airport). The Airport seeks to retain the services of one or more qualified firms and/or individuals for a five-year period. The selected consultants(s) would provide services on an as-needed basis. It is likely the Airport will select multiple consultants to provide these services.

RFQ: Engineering  and/or Environmental Consulting Services
RFP: Airport Fire & Related Emergency Services (CLOSED) 

Open: December 20, 2022
Close: March 1, 2023 @ 4:00 PM

The Monterey Peninsula Airport District (District) is considering a contract relationship with a public or private sector provider for the provision of fire suppression, fire prevention and emergency services for the Monterey Regional Airport (Airport). A successful agency or provider will be responsible for such services for the entirety of the Airport including airplane, vehicle and structure fires and other potential emergency services which are compliant with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) standards for this Airport.

RFP: Airport Fire & Related Emergency ServicesResponse to QuestionsCity of Monterey RFP ProposalPro-Tec Fire Services RFP Proposal