UAS and Drone Information
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), including “drones," “quadcopters,” “model airplanes”, etc., can be a great source of fun if operated properly. However, the UAS can also be very dangerous to passengers and the aircraft in which they fly if the UAS enters restricted airspace or if operated improperly.
The Monterey Regional Airport and the Monterey Peninsula Airport District (MPAD) respects the growing demand and utilization of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for a diverse range of civil, public, and recreational uses. The FAA released an advisory circular (AC 107-2) providing guidance for conducting UAS operations in the United States in accordance with Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR).
Visit the FAA UAS website for additional information.

Frequently Asked Questions
We want you to have fun flying your UAS, so here are some answers to Frequently Asked Questions that can help you fly your UAS safely.
what is a uas?
An unmanned aircraft system is an unmanned aircraft and the equipment necessary for the safe and efficient operation of that aircraft. An unmanned aircraft is defined by statute as an aircraft that is operated without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the aircraft (Public Law 112-95, Section 331(8)).
Is a UAS the same as a model aircraft?
Congress defined a "model aircraft" as a UAS that meets all of the following:
- Is capable of sustained flight in the atmosphere
- Is flown within visual line-of-sight of the person operating it
- Is flown for hobby or recreational purposes
When did the Small UAS Rules become effective?
The Small UAS Rule came into effect on August 29, 2016.
Flying for Fun - Recreational or Hobby
What is the definition of recreational or hobby use of a UAS?
Recreational or hobby UAS use is flying for enjoyment and not for work, business purposes, or for compensation or hire. In the FAA's Interpretation of the Special Rule for Model Aircraft, the FAA relied on the ordinary, dictionary definition of these terms. UAS use for hobby is a "pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation." Please review the FAA UAS Regulations and Polices for additional information.
Do I need permission from the FAA to fly a UAS for recreation or as a hobby?
Possibly. There are two ways for recreational or hobby UAS fliers to operate in the National Airspace System in accordance with the law and/or FAA regulations. Each of the two options has specific requirements that the UAS operator must follow. The decision as to which option to follow is up to the individual operator.
Option #1. Fly in accordance with the Special Rule for Model Aircraft (Public Law 112-95 Section 336).
Under this rule, operators must:
- Fly for hobby or recreational purposes only
- Follow a community-based set of safety guidelines
- Fly the UAS within visual line-of-sight
- Fly at or below 400 feet in altitude
- Give way to manned aircraft
- Never fly over groups of people
- Never fly over stadiums or sports events
- Never fly near emergency response efforts such as fires
- When flying within 5 miles of an airport, provide prior notification to the air traffic control tower
- Fly UAS that weigh no more than 55 lbs.; and
- Register the UAS using the FAA UAS Online Registration Service
For more information, visit the FAA’s Fly for Fun webpage for safety rules and guidelines that apply to recreational or hobby UAS operations under the Special Rule for Model Aircraft.
Option #2. Fly in accordance with the FAA's Small UAS Rule (Part 107).
Under this rule, operators must:
- Obtain a remote pilot certificate or be under the direct supervision of someone who holds such a certificate
- Register the aircraft as a non-modeler using the FAA UAS Online Registration Service
- Follow all the operating rules in accordance with the regulation
For more information, visit the FAA’s Fly for Fun webpage for rules that apply to UAS operations under Part 107.
How do I know where it is and where it is not OK to fly?
The FAA has developed a mobile app called B4UFLY to help recreational UAS operators know whether there are any restrictions or requirements where they want to fly. More information can be found here.
Do I have to notify all airports within five miles of where I want to fly recreationally?
Yes, you must contact any airports (including heliports and sea-based airports) and air traffic control towers within five miles of your proposed area of operations if flying under the Special Rule for Model Aircraft (Public Law 112-95, Section 336).
Can an airport operator object to model aircraft flights near an airport?
Yes, an airport operator can object to the proposed use of a model aircraft within five miles of an airport if the proposed activity would endanger the safety of the airspace.
What is the procedure for notifying the Monterey Regional Airport?
Please contact the Air Traffic Control Tower at (831) 375-1211 at least 3 business days before flying your model aircraft within five miles of the airport.
Flying for Work or Business - Non-Recreational
How do I fly a UAS for work or business purposes?
A different set of rules applies to flying a UAS for commercial or business purposes. The specific rules can be found at Fly for Work/Business for details.
Do I need to register my UAS?
Federal law requires that all aircraft (which includes UAS and radio/remote controlled aircraft) flown outdoors must be registered with the FAA and marked with a registration number. Register online using the FAA UAS Online Registration Service.
What is the difference between registering a UAS flown for fun vs. UAS flown for work or business?
If you fly your UAS for hobby or recreational purposes and you use the web-based registration process to register your aircraft, you only need to register once and then apply your registration number to as many UAS as you want. Recreational registrants only need to provide their name, address, and email address. The $5 registration fee covers all recreational UAS owned by the registrant.
Unmanned aircraft flown for work or business must be registered individually by the owner, and each registration costs $5. Registrants must supply their name, address, and email address, in addition to the make, model, and serial number (if available) for each UAS they want to fly.
Do I always have to have my Certificate of Aircraft Registration with me while flying my UAS?
Yes. You must have the FAA registration certificate in your possession when operating an unmanned aircraft. The certificate can be available either on paper or electronically.
If another person operates your UAS, they must have the UAS registration certificate in their possession. You can give them a paper copy or email a copy to them.
Federal law requires UAS operators to show the certificate of registration to any Federal, State, or local law enforcement officer if asked. You can show it electronically or show the printed certificate.
If I'm just flying my UAS inside a building, or in my own yard, do I have to register it?
If you're flying indoors, you do not need to register your unmanned aircraft as the FAA does not regulate indoor UAS use. However, when flying in your own yard or over your own property, you will need to register your UAS.
If my UAS weighs more than 55 lbs., what are the registration requirements?
It must be registered using the FAA's paper-based registration process.
If my UAS is destroyed or is sold, lost, or transferred, do I need to do anything?
You should cancel your registration through the FAA's Online Registration System.
How do I mark my unmanned aircraft with my unique registration number?
When you complete the registration using the web-based process and satisfy the registration requirements, you may use a permanent marker, label, or engraving, as long as the number remains affixed to the aircraft during routine handling and all operating conditions and is readily accessible and legible upon close visual inspection. The number may also be enclosed in a compartment that is readily accessible, such as a battery compartment.
Who do I contact with registration questions or problems?
You may email registration questions to Live phone support is also available at (877) 396-4636 or international (703) 574-6777 from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. ET Monday through Friday.