Solar Array Project
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The Monterey Regional Airport's most recent sustainability effort is the installation of a Solar Array.
In July 2016, Airport staff began to evaluate the feasibility for the Airport to install a Solar Photovoltaic (PV) system. It was determined that the anticipated cost of energy conservation measures would be less than the cost of the electrical power consumed by the Airport.
On January 11, 2017 the Airport Board certified the mitigated negative declaration for installation of a three-acre Solar PV Electric Generating System and adopted related findings and project mitigation measures. The procurement and installation was found to be acceptable for a PV Array single axis tracking system using Tier 1 modules, that would provide 1,501,000 kWh.
Prior to the Airport entering into a contractual agreement for the project implementation and installation, securing the most cost effective funding options had been identified as the critical next step. The Airport secured an Energy Conservation Assistance Act (ECAA) Program Loan from the California Energy Commission (CEC).
Installation of the Solar Array began on May 22, 2017. Construction was completed July 31, 2017.
See below for photos of the solar array at Monterey Regional Airport.
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